[FREE] Boost your immigration lead generation TODAY.

Download Guides Now

>> 50 lead sources tailored to immigration lawyers

(#6 is my favorite, as it can boost all others)

>> 10 Questions to ask lead agencies before buying leads

If we decide not to work together, you deserve to find a great agency anyway. These questions will allow you to detect scammers and agencies who don't know what they are doing. If you deal with US leads, #7 could save you thousands in litigation costs.

>> Our 60-step series

One short email a day for 60 days, focused on converting leads. Such as:

  • improve the perceived value of your immigration service for your clients to stop comparing,
  • design specific guarantees for your client to feel safer with your services,
  • why you should stop billing per hour, and what to do instead...

...and even a step-by-step guide on how to run a lead generation campaign for those who want to run on their own.

Why is it Free? Are there any catches?

No, there is not. It's 100% free.

Two reasons:

Many people would like to migrate. 16% of humanity, according to the Gallup World 2021. That's 900+ million people.

Despite what immigration services want people to believe, it is difficult. That's why great immigration lawyers are needed.

I cannot generate leads for all immigration firms.

For us to work together:

  • You need to have already structured your offer.
  • You must be willing to call leads and close them (either yourself or your team).
  • You need to have a marketing budget to buy leads.

If you meet these three criteria, start here.


If not, fill out the form on this page and enjoy the free content. I wrote it to help you design your immigration services and get more leads! Then contact me to grow even further.

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